On this page you will find directions how to get to us by car, train, bus and or Taxi.
Good to know…
Casa de la Vida Málaga is located 30 min. drive from Málaga airport.
Málaga centre 30 min. by car.
26 min. by train from Aljaima trainstation to Centro Alameda what is in the centre of Malaga.
Nearest beach is 30 min. by car.
Shopping Mall Plaza Mayor, 30 min. by car.
Pizarra nearest village, 10 min. by car.
Estacion de Cartama, 15 min. by car.
By car
How to get to Casa de la Vida Málaga.
Navigate to Venta Cómpeta Pizarra. Follow the instructions. Google Maps or other navigation systems can guide you in a different way.
Directions from Venta Competa:
At the exit to our address you pass this bar.
Keep going straight on the asphalt road. First street left. In the eucalyptus tree you will see one of our signs “Casa de la Vida Málaga”.
There is also a sign on the ground that says Finca Victoria. Go left.
Cross the riverbed.
This road is unpaved.
You see the gate of Finca Victoria. Keep going straight.
You see many young Citrus trees from Finca Victoria. Keep them to your right.
You come to a Y-cross where you turn right.
The citrus trees are still on your right.
Keep going straight.
You come to the second river bed, turn right. 50 meters, first street turn left and immediately go to the right.
Keep going until you reach a very steep section.
Go to gear 1.
Slowly but easily go up the hill. It’s the second house, we do not have a gate. Go up until you reach our parking platform/ house.
By train
It is possible to reach us by train. The nearest train station is Aljaima station . You can reach us from Álora or from Málaga Centro Alameda and all intermediate stations.
From Málaga city centre, name of the train station is Málaga Centro Alameda train line C2 towards Álora. Get of the train station Aljaima, what is the nearest station.
From the train station Aljaima it will take you 6 min. by car and 45 min. on foot.
Casa de la Vida Málaga also provide a pick-up service. We ask a pick up fee of € 7
This service is only possible upon availability. Please inform us 24h before pick up.
It is possible to reach us by bus. The nearest bus stop is busstop Bar Cómpeta, what is right at the door step of the bar also know as Venta Cómpeta.
You can reach us from Álora or from Malaga Zambrano busstation and all intermediate stations.
From the busstop it will take you 30 min. on foot.
Casa de la Vida Malaga also provide a pick-up service. We ask a pick up fee of € 5
This service is only possible upon availability. Please inform us 24h before pick up.
Taxi Toñi Pizarra is one of the trusted taxi companies we can recommend to call. We have been working together Taxi Toñi for several years with great pleasure.
Also recommended if you travel with bigger groups.
If you travel by train you can also call Taxi Toñi Pizarra for pick up or drop off.
Click here for website of Taxi Toñi or call directly with 0034 616492537